
First Women Bank Limited is a unique financial institution and commercial bank of its kind in the world. It is the only bank in Pakistan that has a mandate to cater to the financial and business needs of women and provide them with easy access to credit for enterprise development. The FWBL Vision and Mission statements reaffirm this commitment. Pakistan earned the status of being a pioneer the world over in setting up this unique institution, observing which, India and Tanzania also followed suit. Initially, the FWBL model worked on catering to women at all levels of economic activity – micro, small, medium and corporate. Over the years, with the promotion or specialization of Microfinance banks which are set up to cater to the financial needs of low-income communities, FWBL has shifted its focus to a range of financial services (SME) other than Microfinance. Now, credit-worthy business concerns, irrespective of gender, can avail loans on a competitive basis. The Bank remains true to its roots as a women-centered organization, and facilitates the financial inclusion of customers who have availed financing facilities and are maintaining their savings and other business accounts. The Government of Pakistan owns majority shareholding (82.64%) in the Bank, while the remaining shares are held by the five big commercial banks – NBP, HBL, MCB, UBL and ABL. The Bank has short-term entity rating of A2 and long-term entity rating of A-. Being a commercial bank is of the utmost importance to help FWBL be a sustainable financial institution; hence, it has taken a strategic shift from its slogan of ‘by women, for women’, to a Bank manned by competent individuals to avail the benefits of diversity. FWBL has also opened up its market to men as well; however, its product development focuses specially on women’s business needs. It ensures that its products and services:
FWBL is fully committed to Pakistan’s national and international commitments highlighted in the Beijing Platform for Action, 1995, the National Plan of Action for Women, 1998, and the National Policy for Development & Empowerment of Women. The Bank aims to conduct its business in a manner that creates value for its customers, clients, partners, shareholders and, mostly importantly, society. It understands that being a good corporate citizen starts with serving responsibly. It has engrained this philosophy in its business operations, in its culture and in its business decisions.

First Women Bank Ltd. has a wider vision than any other commercial bank to cater to women’s economic needs and to encourage them into trade, business, industry and the practice of their professions to promote economic prosperity and self-reliance in women of urban and rural areas.


To create value for our stakeholders, and contribute towards country’s economic development through mainstreaming woman by creating enabling environment as the dynamic agent of change and prosperity.


To be a sustainable bank offering efficient, cost effective and need based financial products and services with special focus to address women’s banking needs through strategic alliances. Improve governance through capacity building and restructuring of the Bank.


  • Customer Centric
  • Performance Oriented
  • Honesty, Trust & Integrity
  • Liberating People Potential


Rating Types




Long Term



Short Term






In 1989, the establishment of FWBL was an innovative and bold step conceived by the then Prime Minister Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto (Shaheed). She envisioned a Bank that would undertake the conduct of all forms of business of Banking Company in a manner designed to meet the special needs of women, and to encourage and assist them in the promotion and running of trade and industry in practicing their profession.

The Bank came into being as an affirmative action of the Parliament to indicate the Government’s commitment to providing women (who form about half the population) access to formal financial services. The Bank was incorporated as a Scheduled Commercial Bank in the Public Sector as a Public Limited Company on 21st November, 1989 under the Companies Ordinance 1984 as a joint venture of the five largest Commercial Banks and the Government of Pakistan.
The Bank commenced its business on 2nd December, 1989 with a paid-up capital of PKR 100 Million; 90% of which was contributed in varying proportions by the five leading banks of the country. They were:
The core purpose of the Bank was to mobilize funds, providing saving solutions to customers and channeling those funds to potential borrowers. The Bank availed this opportunity fully and initiated many non-traditional banking and women-centric products / projects which met with great success. The Bank was a pioneer in introducing:
The Bank also took a number of unprecedented initiatives, such as:


In early 90’s, under the Shelter Project, FWBL provided loans to women who could not afford shelter. The funds were disbursed for the upgradation and construction of houses located in slum areas (katchi abadis), regularized under the Sindh Goth-Abad Scheme.


In its early years, FWBL took special steps to impart training to women who wanted to run their businesses but were held back by the not yet mature economic and financial environment. The idea was to train and empower women entrepreneurs so that they can avail loan facilities from FWBL and start their own businesses.


Under this partnership with UNDP, FWBL provided its micro-borrowers the opportunity to sell their products by exhibiting at stalls at Sunday Bazaar in Islamabad.


In the early 2000s, First Women Bank Ltd. was recognized by Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the most prestigious development agency of the world, as a unique institution catering to the special needs of women in Pakistan. FWBL and CIDA entered into a 3-year collaboration to provide financial assistance in the two important areas of focus for the Bank i.e. setting up Financial Services Desks and Training & Capacity Building of FWBL employees.


To combat child labor in the carpet weaving industry, FWBL collaborated with ILO and directly financed women micro-borrowers in rural areas. The Bank disbursed micro-credit to 2,921 women living below the poverty line in 162 villages, with 100% recovery rate. Under this Project, 5,842 children were weaned out of child labor and educated through non-formal educational centers.


The Ministry of Women Development collaborated with First Women Bank Ltd. for the economic empowerment of rural women – PKR 35 Million was provided for the pilot project, with a revolving credit line of PKR 20 Million. The major objective of the Project was to enable the poorest of the poor women in rural areas to supplement their livelihood by supporting micro-enterprise development, through strong linkages between micro-credit and skill development, thus leading to their economic empowerment.


In 2011, First Women Bank Ltd. became the strategic partner of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) for the implementation of the Women Entrepreneurship Development Program (WED). In the same year, FWBL set up the Women Entrepreneurship Development Division and also launched its Capacity Building & Training Program. Later the Bank changed its strategy, focusing on building its own capacity to design and deliver financial services primarily needed by women and their families.


In 2011, Aurat Foundation awarded a grant of PKR 13.8 million to FWBL under the Gender Equity Program (GEP), supported by the American people through USAID for a period of 02 years, where FWBL collaborated with training institutes of high repute to provide training to women.
In 2015, First Women Bank Ltd. received another grant of PKR 27.5 Million under the Gender Equity Program by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Aurat Foundation. This Grant was purely for the purpose of supporting research and financial inclusion of the women of Pakistan. This also helped FWBL in the capacity building of its staff through trainings on Leadership, Customer Service & New Product Development.

Undertaking the conduct of all forms of business of Banking Company in a manner designed to meet the special needs of women and to encourage and assist them in promotion and running of trade and industry and practice of profession.

Mr. Muhammad Najeeb Agrawalla
Mr. Muhammad Najeeb Agrawalla Chairman | |
Mr. Wajahat Rasul Khan
Mr. Wajahat Rasul Khan Independent Director | |
Ms. Naghmana Alamgir Hashmi
Ms. Naghmana Alamgir Hashmi Independent Director | |
Ms. Bushra Ehsan
Ms. Bushra Ehsan Independent Director | |
Ms. Saima Rehman
Ms. Saima Rehman Nominee Director | HBL |
Sheharyar Ahmad
Sheharyar Ahmad Ex-Officio Director | Ministry of Finance |
Mr. Farrukh Iqbal Khan
Mr. Farrukh Iqbal Khan President & CEO | First Women Bank Ltd. |

Human Resource, Nomination and Compensation Committee

  • Ms. Naghmana Alamgir Hashmi – Chairperson

  • Ms. Bushra Ehsan – Member

  • Mr. Muhammad Najeeb Agrawalla – Member

  • Mr. Farrukh Iqbal Khan– Member

Risk and Compliance Committee

  • Mr. Wajahat Rasul Khan – Chairman

  • Mr. Sheharyar Ahmad – Member

  • Ms. Saima Rehman – Member

  • Mr. Farrukh Iqbal Khan – Member

IT Committee

  • Mr. Muhammad Najeeb Agrawalla – Chairman

  • Ms. Naghmana Alamgir Hashmi – Member

  • Ms. Saima Rehman – Member

  • Mr. Farrukh Iqbal Khan – Member

Audit Committee

  • Ms. Bushra Ehsan – Chairperson

  • Mr. Wajahat Rasul Khan – Member

  • Mr. Sheharyar Ahmad – Member
Human Resource, Nomination and Compensation Committee
  • Ms. Naghmana Alamgir Hashmi – Chairperson

  • Ms. Bushra Ehsan – Member

  • Mr. Muhammad Najeeb Agrawalla – Member

  • Mr. Farrukh Iqbal Khan– Member
Risk and Compliance Committee
  • Mr. Wajahat Rasul Khan – Chairman

  • Mr. Sheharyar Ahmad – Member

  • Ms. Saima Rehman – Member

  • Mr. Farrukh Iqbal Khan – Member
IT Committee
  • Mr. Muhammad Najeeb Agrawalla – Chairman

  • Ms. Naghmana Alamgir Hashmi – Member

  • Ms. Saima Rehman – Member

  • Mr. Farrukh Iqbal Khan – Member
Audit Committee
  • Ms. Bushra Ehsan – Chairperson

  • Mr. Wajahat Rasul Khan – Member

  • Mr. Sheharyar Ahmad – Member

Mr. Farrukh Iqbal Khan
Mr. Farrukh Iqbal Khan President & CEO FWBL

Aamir Zuberi
Aamir Zuberi Head Risk Management (Chief Risk Officer)
Dildar Ali Khawaja
Dildar Ali Khawaja Head Audit
Faisal Hussain
Faisal Hussain Head Business Division
Furqan Yaser
Furqan Yaser Company Secretary & Head Legal
Mr. Irfan Malik
Mr. Irfan Malik Head of Operations Division
Ms. Laila Masood
Ms. Laila Masood Officiating Head Treasury Division
Muhammad Farrukh
Muhammad Farrukh CFO
Sakina Alam
Sakina Alam Head HR
Syed Muhammad Raza
Syed Muhammad Raza Head IT
Zarina Sial
Zarina Sial Head Compliance

Mr. Aamir Zuberi

Chief Risk Officer,
Head Risk Management Division

Mr. Farrukh
Iqbal Khan

President & Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Dildar Ali Khawaja

Head of Audit,
Audit Division

Mr. Aamir Zuberi

Chief Risk Officer,
Head Risk Management Division

Mr. Dildar Ali Khawaja

Head of Audit,
Audit Division

Mr. Faisal Hussain

Head Business Division

Mr. Furqan Yaser

Company Secretary & Head Legal, Legal Division

Mr. Irfan Malik

Head of Operations, Operations Division

Mr. Muhammad Farrukh

Chief Financial Officer, Finance Division

Ms. Nazia Zeeshan

Head Treasury Division

Ms. Sakina Alam

Head of HR, Human Resource Division

Mr. Syed
Muhammad Raza

Head of IT, Information Technology Division

Ms. Zarina Sial

Head of Compliance, Compliance Division

Executive Committee

Assets & Liabilities Management Committee






Brand of the year Award (2016)

Brand of the year Award (2013)

Consumer Choice Award (2012)

Brand of the year Award 2011 & 2012

Brand of the year Award (2010)

Citi PPAF Micro-Entrepreneurship Award (2008)

Global Micro Entrepreneurship Award (2005)

Asian Banking Award 2005

Leader in Micro-Finance (2001)

Euromoney Excellence Award (1994)

ILO Geneva Study (1992)


Winner of the Best CSR Bank -2017.


EFP Award for Excellence in women Empowerment.

Brand of the Year

Ms. Tahira Raza President & CEO FWBL receiving Brand of the year award from the Governor Punjab Mr. Muhammad Sarwar.

Consumer Choice Award

Ms. Shaheen Zamir Head of Marketing, PR & Entrepreneurship Development receiving the Consumer Choice Award from Mian Zahid Hussain, Advisor to the Chief Minister (Caretaker) Government of Sindh.

Brand of the Year
(2011 & 2012)

Ms. Shaheen Zamir Head of Marketing, PR & Entrepreneurship Development receiving the Brand Award from the Federal Minister for Finance Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh.

Brand of the Year

Mrs. Shafqat Sultana, President FWBL, receiving Brand of the year award from the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Yousuf Raza Gilani.

Citi PPAF Micro-Entrepreneurship Award

Two awards for Client of Jakafash Aurat Project.

Ms. Kubra Asghar micro-borrower receiving two Awards from the then Advisor to Prime Minister of Finance, Mr. Shaukat Tarin.

Global Micro Entrepreneurship
Award (2005)

Runners-up Award for client of FWBL / ILO / IPEC Micro-Credit Programme
Ms. Naseem Bibi receiving the award from Country Director, United Nations Development Programme, Mr. Haoliang Xu.

Asian Banking Award

Runners-up Award for FWBL / ILO / IPEC
Micro-Credit Programme for combating Child LabourEFP Award for Excellence in women Empowerment.

Leader in Micro-Finance

First Women Bank Ltd. was awarded “Leader in Micro-Finance” due to its recognition in Micro-Finance Products & Services by Women World Banking

Euromoney Excellence Award

For Low Administrative Cost

ILO Geneva Study

Three major innovations in Management in Pakistan:

  • First Women Bank Ltd.
  • Edhi Trust
  • LUMS
First Women Bank Limited is a unique financial institution and commercial bank of its kind in the world. It is the only bank in Pakistan that has a mandate to cater to the financial and business needs of women and provide them with easy access to credit for enterprise development. The FWBL Vision and Mission statements reaffirm this commitment. Pakistan earned the status of being a pioneer the world over in setting up this unique institution, observing which, India and Tanzania also followed suit. Initially, the FWBL model worked on catering to women at all levels of economic activity – micro, small, medium and corporate. Over the years, with the promotion or specialization of Microfinance banks which are set up to cater to the financial needs of low-income communities, FWBL has shifted its focus to a range of financial services (SME) other than Microfinance. Now, credit-worthy business concerns, irrespective of gender, can avail loans on a competitive basis. The Bank remains true to its roots as a women-centered organization, and facilitates the financial inclusion of customers who have availed financing facilities and are maintaining their savings and other business accounts. The Government of Pakistan owns majority shareholding (82.64%) in the Bank, while the remaining shares are held by the five big commercial banks – NBP, HBL, MCB, UBL and ABL. The Bank has short-term entity rating of A2 and long-term entity rating of A-. Being a commercial bank is of the utmost importance to help FWBL be a sustainable financial institution; hence, it has taken a strategic shift from its slogan of ‘by women, for women’, to a Bank manned by competent individuals to avail the benefits of diversity. FWBL has also opened up its market to men as well; however, its product development focuses specially on women’s business needs. It ensures that its products and services:
FWBL is fully committed to Pakistan’s national and international commitments highlighted in the Beijing Platform for Action, 1995, the National Plan of Action for Women, 1998, and the National Policy for Development & Empowerment of Women. The Bank aims to conduct its business in a manner that creates value for its customers, clients, partners, shareholders and, mostly importantly, society. It understands that being a good corporate citizen starts with serving responsibly. It has engrained this philosophy in its business operations, in its culture and in its business decisions.

First Women Bank Ltd. has a wider vision than any other commercial bank to cater to women’s economic needs and to encourage them into trade, business, industry and the practice of their professions to promote economic prosperity and self-reliance in women of urban and rural areas.


To create value for our stakeholders, and contribute towards country’s economic development through mainstreaming woman by creating enabling environment as the dynamic agent of change and prosperity.


To be a sustainable bank offering efficient, cost effective and need based financial products and services with special focus to address women’s banking needs through strategic alliances. Improve governance through capacity building and restructuring of the Bank.


  • Customer Centric
  • Performance Oriented
  • Honesty, Trust & Integrity
  • Liberating People Potential


Rating Types




Long Term



Short Term






In 1989, the establishment of FWBL was an innovative and bold step conceived by the then Prime Minister Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto (Shaheed). She envisioned a Bank that would undertake the conduct of all forms of business of Banking Company in a manner designed to meet the special needs of women, and to encourage and assist them in the promotion and running of trade and industry in practicing their profession.

The Bank came into being as an affirmative action of the Parliament to indicate the Government’s commitment to providing women (who form about half the population) access to formal financial services. The Bank was incorporated as a Scheduled Commercial Bank in the Public Sector as a Public Limited Company on 21st November, 1989 under the Companies Ordinance 1984 as a joint venture of the five largest Commercial Banks and the Government of Pakistan.
The Bank commenced its business on 2nd December, 1989 with a paid-up capital of PKR 100 Million; 90% of which was contributed in varying proportions by the five leading banks of the country. They were:
The core purpose of the Bank was to mobilize funds, providing saving solutions to customers and channeling those funds to potential borrowers. The Bank availed this opportunity fully and initiated many non-traditional banking and women-centric products / projects which met with great success. The Bank was a pioneer in introducing:
The Bank also took a number of unprecedented initiatives, such as:


In early 90’s, under the Shelter Project, FWBL provided loans to women who could not afford shelter. The funds were disbursed for the upgradation and construction of houses located in slum areas (katchi abadis), regularized under the Sindh Goth-Abad Scheme.


In its early years, FWBL took special steps to impart training to women who wanted to run their businesses but were held back by the not yet mature economic and financial environment. The idea was to train and empower women entrepreneurs so that they can avail loan facilities from FWBL and start their own businesses.


Under this partnership with UNDP, FWBL provided its micro-borrowers the opportunity to sell their products by exhibiting at stalls at Sunday Bazaar in Islamabad.


In the early 2000s, First Women Bank Ltd. was recognized by Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the most prestigious development agency of the world, as a unique institution catering to the special needs of women in Pakistan. FWBL and CIDA entered into a 3-year collaboration to provide financial assistance in the two important areas of focus for the Bank i.e. setting up Financial Services Desks and Training & Capacity Building of FWBL employees.


To combat child labor in the carpet weaving industry, FWBL collaborated with ILO and directly financed women micro-borrowers in rural areas. The Bank disbursed micro-credit to 2,921 women living below the poverty line in 162 villages, with 100% recovery rate. Under this Project, 5,842 children were weaned out of child labor and educated through non-formal educational centers.


The Ministry of Women Development collaborated with First Women Bank Ltd. for the economic empowerment of rural women – PKR 35 Million was provided for the pilot project, with a revolving credit line of PKR 20 Million. The major objective of the Project was to enable the poorest of the poor women in rural areas to supplement their livelihood by supporting micro-enterprise development, through strong linkages between micro-credit and skill development, thus leading to their economic empowerment.


In 2011, First Women Bank Ltd. became the strategic partner of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) for the implementation of the Women Entrepreneurship Development Program (WED). In the same year, FWBL set up the Women Entrepreneurship Development Division and also launched its Capacity Building & Training Program. Later the Bank changed its strategy, focusing on building its own capacity to design and deliver financial services primarily needed by women and their families.


In 2011, Aurat Foundation awarded a grant of PKR 13.8 million to FWBL under the Gender Equity Program (GEP), supported by the American people through USAID for a period of 02 years, where FWBL collaborated with training institutes of high repute to provide training to women.
In 2015, First Women Bank Ltd. received another grant of PKR 27.5 Million under the Gender Equity Program by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Aurat Foundation. This Grant was purely for the purpose of supporting research and financial inclusion of the women of Pakistan. This also helped FWBL in the capacity building of its staff through trainings on Leadership, Customer Service & New Product Development.

Undertaking the conduct of all forms of business of Banking Company in a manner designed to meet the special needs of women and to encourage and assist them in promotion and running of trade and industry and practice of profession.

Mr. Muhammad Najeeb Agrawalla
Mr. Muhammad Najeeb Agrawalla Chairman | |
Mr. Wajahat Rasul Khan
Mr. Wajahat Rasul Khan Independent Director | |
Ms. Naghmana Alamgir Hashmi
Ms. Naghmana Alamgir Hashmi Independent Director | |
Ms. Bushra Ehsan
Ms. Bushra Ehsan Independent Director | |
Ms. Saima Rehman
Ms. Saima Rehman Nominee Director | HBL |
Sheharyar Ahmad
Sheharyar Ahmad Ex-Officio Director | Ministry of Finance |
Mr. Farrukh Iqbal Khan
Mr. Farrukh Iqbal Khan President & CEO | First Women Bank Ltd. |

Human Resource, Nomination and Compensation Committee

  • Ms. Naghmana Alamgir Hashmi – Chairperson

  • Ms. Bushra Ehsan – Member

  • Mr. Muhammad Najeeb Agrawalla – Member

  • Mr. Farrukh Iqbal Khan– Member

Risk and Compliance Committee

  • Mr. Wajahat Rasul Khan – Chairman

  • Mr. Sheharyar Ahmad – Member

  • Ms. Saima Rehman – Member

  • Mr. Farrukh Iqbal Khan – Member

IT Committee

  • Mr. Muhammad Najeeb Agrawalla – Chairman

  • Ms. Naghmana Alamgir Hashmi – Member

  • Ms. Saima Rehman – Member

  • Mr. Farrukh Iqbal Khan – Member

Audit Committee

  • Ms. Bushra Ehsan – Chairperson

  • Mr. Wajahat Rasul Khan – Member

  • Mr. Sheharyar Ahmad – Member
Human Resource, Nomination and Compensation Committee
  • Ms. Naghmana Alamgir Hashmi – Chairperson

  • Ms. Bushra Ehsan – Member

  • Mr. Muhammad Najeeb Agrawalla – Member

  • Mr. Farrukh Iqbal Khan– Member
Risk and Compliance Committee
  • Mr. Wajahat Rasul Khan – Chairman

  • Mr. Sheharyar Ahmad – Member

  • Ms. Saima Rehman – Member

  • Mr. Farrukh Iqbal Khan – Member
IT Committee
  • Mr. Muhammad Najeeb Agrawalla – Chairman

  • Ms. Naghmana Alamgir Hashmi – Member

  • Ms. Saima Rehman – Member

  • Mr. Farrukh Iqbal Khan – Member
Audit Committee
  • Ms. Bushra Ehsan – Chairperson

  • Mr. Wajahat Rasul Khan – Member

  • Mr. Sheharyar Ahmad – Member

Mr. Farrukh Iqbal Khan
Mr. Farrukh Iqbal Khan President & CEO FWBL

Aamir Zuberi
Aamir Zuberi Head Risk Management (Chief Risk Officer)
Dildar Ali Khawaja
Dildar Ali Khawaja Head Audit
Faisal Hussain
Faisal Hussain Head Business Division
Furqan Yaser
Furqan Yaser Company Secretary & Head Legal
Mr. Irfan Malik
Mr. Irfan Malik Head of Operations Division
Ms. Laila Masood
Ms. Laila Masood Officiating Head Treasury Division
Muhammad Farrukh
Muhammad Farrukh CFO
Sakina Alam
Sakina Alam Head HR
Syed Muhammad Raza
Syed Muhammad Raza Head IT
Zarina Sial
Zarina Sial Head Compliance

Mr. Aamir Zuberi

Chief Risk Officer,
Head Risk Management Division

Mr. Farrukh
Iqbal Khan

President & Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Dildar Ali Khawaja

Head of Audit,
Audit Division

Mr. Aamir Zuberi

Chief Risk Officer,
Head Risk Management Division

Mr. Dildar Ali Khawaja

Head of Audit,
Audit Division

Mr. Faisal Hussain

Head Business Division

Mr. Furqan Yaser

Company Secretary & Head Legal, Legal Division

Mr. Irfan Malik

Head of Operations, Operations Division

Mr. Muhammad Farrukh

Chief Financial Officer, Finance Division

Ms. Nazia Zeeshan

Head Treasury Division

Ms. Sakina Alam

Head of HR, Human Resource Division

Mr. Syed
Muhammad Raza

Head of IT, Information Technology Division

Ms. Zarina Sial

Head of Compliance, Compliance Division

Executive Committee

Assets & Liabilities Management Committee






Brand of the year Award (2016)

Brand of the year Award (2013)

Consumer Choice Award (2012)

Brand of the year Award 2011 & 2012

Brand of the year Award (2010)

Citi PPAF Micro-Entrepreneurship Award (2008)

Global Micro Entrepreneurship Award (2005)

Asian Banking Award 2005

Leader in Micro-Finance (2001)

Euromoney Excellence Award (1994)

ILO Geneva Study (1992)


Winner of the Best CSR Bank -2017.


EFP Award for Excellence in women Empowerment.

Brand of the Year

Ms. Tahira Raza President & CEO FWBL receiving Brand of the year award from the Governor Punjab Mr. Muhammad Sarwar.

Consumer Choice Award

Ms. Shaheen Zamir Head of Marketing, PR & Entrepreneurship Development receiving the Consumer Choice Award from Mian Zahid Hussain, Advisor to the Chief Minister (Caretaker) Government of Sindh.

Brand of the Year
(2011 & 2012)

Ms. Shaheen Zamir Head of Marketing, PR & Entrepreneurship Development receiving the Brand Award from the Federal Minister for Finance Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh.

Brand of the Year

Mrs. Shafqat Sultana, President FWBL, receiving Brand of the year award from the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Yousuf Raza Gilani.

Citi PPAF Micro-Entrepreneurship Award

Two awards for Client of Jakafash Aurat Project.

Ms. Kubra Asghar micro-borrower receiving two Awards from the then Advisor to Prime Minister of Finance, Mr. Shaukat Tarin.

Global Micro Entrepreneurship
Award (2005)

Runners-up Award for client of FWBL / ILO / IPEC Micro-Credit Programme
Ms. Naseem Bibi receiving the award from Country Director, United Nations Development Programme, Mr. Haoliang Xu.

Asian Banking Award

Runners-up Award for FWBL / ILO / IPEC
Micro-Credit Programme for combating Child LabourEFP Award for Excellence in women Empowerment.

Leader in Micro-Finance

First Women Bank Ltd. was awarded “Leader in Micro-Finance” due to its recognition in Micro-Finance Products & Services by Women World Banking

Euromoney Excellence Award

For Low Administrative Cost

ILO Geneva Study

Three major innovations in Management in Pakistan:

  • First Women Bank Ltd.
  • Edhi Trust
  • LUMS
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