SME Finance
FWBL provides all standardized SME loan facilities such as Fund Based Demand Finance, Running Finance, Export Refinance and non Fund Based Letter of Guarantee/ Letter of Credit so on to business entities in accordance to Bank’s charter.

Prime Minister's Youth Business & Agriculture Loan scheme
In order to provide opportunities for access to finance to the young entrepreneurs and Agri sector of the country, the Government of Pakistan has introduced a low cost financing scheme.

FWBL Nikhar
This product is specially designed to encourage and empower the professionals including women, men and transgender associated with the beauty industry by offering hassle free financing on easy terms.

Business Loans for Women
FWBL extends loans to businesswomen for establishment of new business/development of existing business, and for working capital.
Women can get loans of up to Rs. 2 Million. The Financial Services Desk of the bank assists the applicants of the loan in financial, legal, taxation, marketing and management issues.

Refinance and Credit Guarantee Scheme for Women Entrepreneurs
To improve access to finance for women entrepreneurs in the underserved areas of the country for setting up new businesses or expansion of existing business.

FWBL KHAAS (Small Enterprise Refinance and Credit Guarantee Scheme for Special Person)
Under the scheme, financing shall be available to persons with special needs to meet the shortfall of funds for their small business.

SBP Incentive Schemes
SBP incentive schemes for small and medium-sized businesses with the ultimate goal of fostering the nation’s overall economic development.

FWBL Solar Energy Loan (Apna Karobar, Apni Bijli)
To meet the challenge of electricity shortages and high electricity costs by installing a new renewable energy solar panel system at one’s business premises.

SBP IS-Financing Power Plants using Renewable Energy
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Salary Loan
Salary Loan is a term finance loan based on the amortization concept with fixed monthly installments/repayments. The salary Loan facility would enable customers to bridge their financial shortcomings for the purpose of going on vacations, arranging children’s weddings, paying for children’s education, and other general expenses.

Mera Cash
FWBL offers cash backed loans to facilitate consumers in meeting their personal financial needs by keeping their savings intact. A hassle free personal consumer loan at the most competitive rate against their National Savings Certificates, Pak, Rupee/Foreign Currency Deposits, Prize Bonds, lien on Bank deposit TDR, Fixed income certificates issued by Government, etc.

FWBL Housing Finance
FWBL understands your desire to make your house truly your home. Hence, we are offering a housing finance facility for purchasing a new one, or constructing or renovating your existing home, with ease and flexibility.

Housing Finance for Middle Income Group

Housing Finance For Low Income Group

Low Cost Housing Finance for Special Segment
Turn your dreams into reality! FWBL empowers you to be a privileged house owner with FWBL Low-Cost Housing Finance.

FWBL Solar Energy Loan – ApnaGhar, ApniBijli
To meet the challenges of electricity shortages faced by domestic users and high electricity costs by installing a new renewable energy solar panel system at residential premises.

Common Glossary
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Corporate Finance
Corporate finance is available to public sector entities, public limited companies, multinational corporations, and corporate clients (with a shareholding requirement).